More specifically, Neural is me (Tristan Greene), Thomas Macaulay, Ivan Mehta, and the contributors and colleagues who help us put out fresh, original, exciting content in the world of machine learning every day. It was a tough year to be a reporter but Thomas and Ivan managed to exceed our expectations at every turn with incredible insight and consistent excellence. With that in mind, I’m proud to present some of my favorite articles from Tom and Ivan this year. Between the two of them they covered some of the biggest events, breakthroughs, and stories in the world of machine learning and artificial intelligence. But, more importantly, they provided keen insight and analysis that you won’t find anywhere else. And they also adhered to our biggest principal here at Neural: we cover AI for humans (not robots, businesses, or governments). So, if you’ll indulge me, here’s an “Editor’s Choice” list of just a few of the many articles my team published this year. But first, here’s my contribution:
Stories pictured above here and here.
Ivan Mehta
Facebook is reportedly developing AI to summarize news — what could go wrong? TL;DR: This AI summarizes research papers so you don’t have to This AI jacked Eminem’s flow to make a Zuckerberg diss track AI mistakes referee’s bald head for football — hilarity ensued Google’s new machine learning tool turns your awful humming into a beautiful violin solo India finally commits to quantum computing, promises $1.12B investment MIT researchers developed a text-based system that tricks Google’s AI This AI model improves and colorizes old videos and the results are stunning MIT and Microsoft build a new algorithm to find hidden links between historic paintings
Thomas Macaulay
How Facebook’s Yann LeCun is charting a path to human-level artificial intelligence Oh great, the EU has ditched its facial recognition ban New Zealand’s first AI police officer reports for duty AI interviewer asks Billie Eilish the weirdest questions Why AI systems should be recognized as inventors AI Jesus will help you embrace the apocalypse Meet the AI-generated bipartisan president of the US Someone let a GPT-3 bot loose on Reddit — it didn’t end well Masks won’t protect you from facial recognition Backlash intensifies: Pichai’s promises do little to quell outrage over Timnit Gebru’s firing Honey traps and bribery: Ex-Cambridge Analytica CEO slapped with 7-year directorship ban AI discovers that every lion has a unique and trackable roar
And those are just a small sample of the wonderful work we’ve put out here at Neural. Check back in with us in 2021 where we’ll continue to bring you news, analysis, and trusted opinions on the world of machine learning and its impact on humans.